Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I clean my ducts? 

Dirty air ducts have been identified as a major source of indoor air pollution. Your air duct system is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, mold odors and other health threatening organisms. 

Will my house be less dusty?" 

Yes! The inside of your duct work is the equivalent of an extra room in your home that never gets dusted or vacuumed. When the HVAC turns on, dust and allergens from the duct work gets churned up and blown into the rooms of your home or offices. 

Why should I choose
 Mighty Duct? 

We have been operating for over 23 years, are licensed and insured, and air quality is our only business. We are a SPECIALIZED company. We aren't cleaning your homes, offices, carpets, or doing this as a side business.  We have invested our time, money, and set our goals in life with Mighty Duct. We spend many hours annually on training and safety. We believe that in order for us to give the best service, we must keep up to date with industry standards and practices.  
We are also a family business. We take pride in our services and we also ensure that when using us you will not be taken advantage of by an unscrupulous contractor. 

What benefits do I receive? 

Energy Savings! 
By keeping your duct work clean, it allows your heating and air units to work more efficiently! Thereby reducing the cost to operate them, and prolonging their lifespan. 

Are there any health benefits? 

Asthma, allergy and respiratory systems are often compromised when exposure to dust, pollen, mold spores, smoke and animal dander are present. With regular cleaning of your air system these symptoms can be reduced. 

Any other benefits? 

Clean indoor air has been identified in studies that indicate a link between improved sleep patterns and overall comfort. Children as well as adults are benefiting from the cleaner air quality in homes, schools and offices. Learning and productivity are also increased, which are helpful to employers and families! 

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